
admin4个月前 (05-16)故事大全78

Day 1: Discover Shanghai's Surrounding Water Towns

Shanghai is not just a modern city, it is also surrounded by beautiful, historic water towns. Our tour for the first day will take you to two of the most popular ones - Zhujiajiao and Tongli.

Zhujiajiao is over 1,700 years old, and it still has canals, old houses, and traditional stone bridges to explore. The narrow alleyways will make you feel like you are stepping back in time. Take a boat ride along the waterways and appreciate the town from a different angle.


Tongli is also an ancient water town, with more than a thousand years of history. You'll come across a lot of well-preserved historic buildings, and the Retreat and Reflection Garden is one of China's four most famous classical gardens.

Day 2: Unveiling the Natural and Cultural Gems of Tongli and Qingpu

Discovery continues on the second day of your tour. You'll visit some of the area's best natural wonders and cultural gems, including Qingpu's Lingnan Water Village and Tianxiang Garden in Qiandeng.

Lingnan Water Village in Qingpu is famous for its beautiful Ming and Qing Dynasty-style architecture. It's the ideal place to discover local customs and traditions of the Lingnan region.

In Qiandeng, visit the Tianxiang Garden, which combines traditional Chinese and Western-style gardens, creating a unique and serene ambiance.

Your final stop of the day will be the Sheshan National Forest Park, which is part of the Sheshan Mountain Scenic Area. The park is renowned for natural landscapes and historic site such as the ancient Sheshan Observatory and the magnificent Sheshan Basilica of Our Lady of Sheshan.

Day 3: Modern and Artistic Journey through Shanghai

For the final day of your tour, you'll discover the modern and artistic neighborhoods of Shanghai. You'll begin the day with a visit to the famous Shanghai Museum, home to over 120,000 precious cultural relics.

Next, explore the alleys of Tianzifang, filled with unique shops, art galleries and cafes. The area features the distinctive Shikumen architecture, offering you the chance to experience the fashionable side of Shanghai. Don't forget to try out the local street food and pick up some souvenirs as well!

For lunch, we'll dine at one of the city's top-notch restaurants, with a stunning view of the Bund. After lunch, we'll visit the West Bund Art Center, the perfect spot to immerse yourself in contemporary art and design in Shanghai.

We'll finish up the day by taking you to the Bund, one of Shanghai's famous landmarks. Enjoy the breathtaking night view of the city and soak up the vibe of a thriving metropolis.

After three days of exploration, you'll leave Shanghai with unforgettable memories and a new appreciation for the city's charm and diversity.




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