
admin12个月前 (10-01)故事大全173

Day 1: Exploring the Bund and French Concession

Shanghai is a diverse city, combining traditional and modern features from both Eastern and Western cultures. On your first day in Shanghai, kick off your exploration by checking out the Bund, located on the west bank of the Huangpu River, providing a breathtaking view of the city skyline. Strolling along the riverfront promenade, you can marvel at the colonial buildings that once served as banks and trading houses, like the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, the Shanghai Customs House, and the Peace Hotel.

Your next stop should be the French Concession, a picturesque area with tree-lined streets featuring cafes and boutiques that was once a French settlement. You can take the time to explore Fuxing Park, a serene space with gardens, ponds, and pavilions, and also visit the Shanghai Museum of Sun Yat-sen’s Former Residence, where the revolutionary leader lived.


Wrap up your day by heading to Tianzifang for a unique experience in a labyrinth of alleyways filled with boutique shops that serve as a hub for artistic expression and design in Shanghai. You can shop for souvenirs and enjoy local street food at the many stalls and cafes.

Day 2: Exploring Old Shanghai and Modern China

On your second day in Shanghai, delve further into the city’s rich history by visiting some of its most iconic landmarks. Begin with Yuyuan Garden, a traditional Chinese garden dating back to the Ming Dynasty, featuring pavilions, rockeries, and ponds.

Next, head over to the City God Temple, a complex dedicated to Taoist worship for over six centuries. Here, you can witness devotees lighting incense and offering prayers, and also check out the shops selling traditional Chinese crafts and souvenirs.

For lunch, hit up the Old City market, a bustling locale filled with delicious snacks and a variety of street food options. Be sure to try out the xiaolongbao, a famous Shanghainese dish of soup-filled dumplings.

In the afternoon, visit the Shanghai Tower, the tallest building in China and the world's second-tallest building. Take the elevator to the observation deck on the 118th floor, offering a panoramic view of the city.

Finally, end your day with a visit to the Shanghai World Financial Center, another iconic skyscraper in the city. Check out the observation decks for a bird’s eye view of the bustling streets below or simply take in the breathtaking view from the top.

Shanghai provides the perfect blend of old and new, traditional and modern. With its uniqueness, the city has something to offer everybody. Do not miss a historical and cultural experience of this vibrant and dynamic city on your next trip to China!




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