
admin1年前 (2023-06-30)健康美食213

Day 1: Marvel at the Rich Culture of Jinan

The city of Jinan, located in the Shandong Province, is renowned for its extensive history and cultural heritage. Begin your tour by visiting the famous Baotu Spring, a well-known spring in China with crystal-clear water and stunning pavilions surrounding it.

Next, move on to the breathtaking Daming Lake, a serene and picturesque lake that contains iconic attractions such as the Five Dragon Pavilion, Lotus Pavilion, and Yueya Spring.


After having a local lunch, explore the sacred Thousand-Buddha Mountain, home to over 40 temples and pagodas. Don't miss the opportunity to hike to the top of the mountain and take in the panoramic view of the city. End your day strolling through the Quancheng Square, the largest square in Jinan, and catching the colorful fountain show at night.

Day 2: Experience the Beauty of Mount Tai

Located just a two-hour drive from Jinan, Mt. Tai is considered one of the most sacred mountains in China. Hike the mountain if you're in reasonably good shape or take a cable car to enjoy the stunning scenery. Along the way, you'll find ancient temples, bridges, and monumental gates.

The highlight of the mountain is the breathtaking view of the sunrise. Here, you can witness the sun rising from the clouds and have an unforgettable moment. After hiking, remember to try the local specialty, fried dough twists.

Day 3: Visit the Historical Town of Qufu

Take a one-hour ride to Qufu, the birthplace of Confucius, one of the Chinese greatest philosophers. Start your day by visiting the Confucius Temple, where you can learn about Confucius's life and philosophy. After exploring, visit the Confucius Forest, a park filled with ancient tombs and cypress groves.

The Kong Family Mansion should follow, a grand compound that the Kong family has passed down for 76 generations. The mansion is a great example of traditional Chinese architecture and culture.

Day 4: Delight in Local Food and Shopping

On your final day in Jinan, relax from sightseeing and indulge in local food and shopping. Try out some local breakfast, such as shandong-style pancakes or congee, then head to Furong Ancient Street.

Here, you'll stroll through old-fashioned shops and purchase souvenirs and crafts. For lunch, don't pass up the opportunity to try famous roasted duck, a local delicacy in Jinan. Later, visit Wanda Plaza, one of the area's largest shopping malls, to shop for clothing, electronics, and other gifts.

Before concluding your holiday, stop by a traditional tea house for a cup of tea and to reflect on your beautiful experiences during the trip.




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