
admin1年前 (2023-09-19)故事大全186

5-Day Must-Visit Attractions in Shanghai Travel Guide

Day 1: Classic City


The People's Square: As a landmark of Shanghai, whether you are traveling or on a business trip, you must visit and take a photo here. There are also the Shanghai History Museum, People's Park, Nanjing Road waiting for you to explore.

Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street: This is a lively commercial street for tourists from all over the world. It has multiple entrances and gathers the world's most famous brands, catering, and other subcultures. Don't miss the neon lights here in the evening.

The Bund: This is the best riverside route for Shanghai night views. From West Bund to the south bank of the Huangpu River and the skyscrapers and old houses on the west bank, you can enjoy everything about this culturally rich and historically profound city.

Day 2: Shanghai's Historical and Cultural Attractions

Yuyuan Garden: This is a place that preserves the architectural style of the Ming and Qing dynasties, with characteristics of gardens, buildings, cultural relics, etc. Here you can also see ancient monuments such as the Rainbow Bridge.

City God Temple: As a historical and cultural monument with a long history and full of folk culture, it is very suitable for experiencing and understanding Shanghai's history and local culture in depth.

Day 3: Modern Metropolis

Shanghai Tower: The Shanghai Tower is a commemorative building with more than 800 years of history. It is another iconic building in Shanghai, known as the "Oriental Pearl". It is the tallest tower in the world.

Shanghai World Financial Center: This is the largest comprehensive shopping mall in Shanghai, with more than 300 specialty stores and more than 500 Chinese and foreign brands. Here you can not only buy various goods but also taste different cuisines from different countries.

Day 4: Local Cuisine

Shanghai cuisine: Shanghai cuisine is one of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisines, with sweet, fresh, tender, and mellow characteristics. When you come to Shanghai, you must taste the various snacks along Nanjing Road, the snacks in the snack city, and the steamed buns at the Yuyuan Old Restaurant, and other delicacies.

Day 5: Beautiful Didi

Tianzifang: This is the oldest place in the downtown area of ??Shanghai, with a history of more than 600 years. It can make you deeply feel the traditional beauty and artistic atmosphere of Shanghai's old streets.

The Bund sightseeing tour: In order to gain a deep understanding of the whole city, you can choose to have a romantic tea on the sightseeing boat of The Bund, enjoy the luxury dining on Jiawah Boat, and appreciate the beautiful scenery on the river.

Shanghai is a city with both history and culture and modern atmosphere. I hope this guide can help you to understand and appreciate the charm of this city in a short time.




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