
admin1年前 (2023-09-11)娱乐资讯196

Day 1: Arrival in Kunming

After arriving in Kunming, the first day of your six-day Yunnan tour will begin. Settle into your hotel and enjoy the city's attractions at your leisure. Spend some time taking in the sights of Cuihu Park, a charming public space located in the city center. Additionally, immerse yourself in the local culture by visiting the Flower and Bird Market, where you can sample some of the region's famous delicacies, such as Yunnan rice noodles and roasted duck.

Day 2: Kunming - Dali

Depart for Dali, a charming town in the western area of Yunnan province, after a filling breakfast. En route, marvel at the Stone Forest, a UNESCO World Heritage Site dating back over 270 million years. The natural limestone structures are a maze of sorts, and you'll find yourself in awe. Then, visit Shaxi Old Town, an ancient town that was a prominent stop on the tea horse road. Finally, arrive in Dali and check into your hotel.


Day 3: Dali

Dedicate your third day in Yunnan to exploring Dali. Start by visiting the Three Pagodas, a trio of elegant pagodas built during the Tang Dynasty. Next, take a stroll through Erhai Lake, a stunning highland lake that provides breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Finally, explore Dali's Old Town, a historic town occupied by many Bai ethnic minority people. Try traditional Bai clothing, sample local cuisine, or purchase some handmade souvenirs.

Day 4: Dali - Lijiang

Take a scenic drive to Lijiang, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a rich cultural and historical heritage, on the fourth day of your Yunnan tour. Admire the impressive Tiger Leaping Gorge, one of the world's deepest gorges, on the way. Afterward, continue to Lijiang and check-in to your hotel. In the afternoon, explore the ancient lanes, bridges, and canals of the Old Town, which will transport you back in time to ancient China.

Day 5: Lijiang

Learn more about Lijiang's fascinating history and culture on day five. First, take a trip to Yulong Snow Mountain, a gorgeous mountain range situated on the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Take a cable car ride up to the Spruce Plateau, where you can enjoy panoramic views of snow-capped peaks, grassy meadows, and alpine forests. In the afternoon, check out Baisha Village, one of the oldest Naxi ethnic minority villages in the region. There, you'll see traditional Naxi houses, temples, and frescoes dating back to the Ming Dynasty.

Day 6: Departure from Lijiang

On your last day in Yunnan, relax and reflect on your incredible experiences. Alternatively, take an optional excursion to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, a spectacular mountain with a peak over 5,500 meters high, for a bit of adventure. Later, transfer to the airport for your return flight home or to your next destination. The memories you make on your Yunnan tour will stay with you forever, and you'll come away with a greater appreciation for China's natural beauty, cultural heritage, and ethnic diversity. Book your trip today and get ready for an unforgettable adventure.




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