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Discover the Best Tourist Attractions in Shanghai

Shanghai is widely known for its scenic skyline, rich history, and lively nightlife. To make the most of your trip, it’s important to choose the best places to visit. This article provides a comprehensive guide to Shanghai's top tourist attractions, ensuring you have an unforgettable experience.


The Bund: The Perfect Start

One of the most iconic waterfronts in the world, The Bund offers amazing views of Shanghai’s skyline. Historical landmarks such as the Peace Hotel, the Customs House, and the Shanghai Mansion are located here. Get in the old Shanghai experience by taking a stroll along the promenade, especially at night when the building lights shine brightly.

Yu Garden: A Traditional Chinese Experience

Ancient and delicate, Yu Garden represents authentic Chinese architecture from the Ming dynasty. It is famous for its rock formations, pavilions, and winding paths. The garden is divided into six scenic areas, each with its unique charm. The stunning Jade Rock with over 70 holes and the Exquisite Jade Rock Exhibition Hall displaying jade artifacts are the main attractions.

Shanghai Tower: The Best Skyline View

To see an incredible panoramic view of the city, you can’t miss climbing the world's second-tallest skyscraper, Shanghai Tower. The 118th floor observation deck provides a 360-degree view. On a clear day, you can see as far as 40 miles away. If you’re brave enough, the skywalk at a height of 1,120 feet offers an unforgettable thrill.

Tianzifang: A Quaint Bohemian Neighborhood

Tianzifang, a small area in the former French Concession, is renowned for its bohemian atmosphere and narrow alleys. Art galleries, boutiques, and cafes are scattered throughout the area, making it perfect to explore on foot. A mix of traditional Shikumen-style architecture and modern design gives Tianzifang a unique charm.

Oriental Pearl Tower: A Modern Icon of Shanghai

The Oriental Pearl Tower is widely recognized as one of the most iconic landmarks in Shanghai. The TV tower has 11 various-sized spheres resembling pearls, standing 1,535 feet tall. The observation deck provides stunning city views, whilst the revolving restaurant, shopping center, and museum make a great outing.

Jing'an Temple: A Place of Serenity

Famous for its tranquil atmosphere, Jing'an Temple is an ancient Buddhist temple dating back to the 3rd century. Destroyed and rebuilt over centuries, the present temple dates from the 1980s and is famous for its beautiful gardens and intricate architecture. Watching Buddhist rituals and soaking up Shanghai’s hustle and bustle are perfectly balanced in this peaceful haven.

Final Thoughts

Shanghai, with its array of tourist attractions, has something for everyone. The above guide is an excellent starting point for exploring the city. Whether you're interested in history, culture, or stunning views, Shanghai has it all. Don’t hesitate – come and explore this vibrant city for yourself.




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