
admin3个月前 (06-21)旅游攻略146


As one of the most prosperous and vibrant cities in China, Shanghai is often dubbed as the “Paris of the East” due to its rich cultural heritage, avant-garde architecture and fashionable lifestyle. While the city is often associated with bustling streets and towering skyscrapers, many locals and visitors alike find peace and tranquility in one of Shanghai’s most cherished gems: Juju Garden.

History and Overview

Located in the Xujiahui district in Shanghai, Juju Garden is a sprawling urban park with a history dating back to the early 20th century. Originally a private garden owned by an affluent merchant family, the park was later sold to the government and opened to the public in 1960. Over the years, Juju Garden has undergone several renovations and expansions, and today boasts an impressive array of natural and man-made attractions that draw millions of visitors every year.


The Beauty of Juju Garden

One of the most striking features of Juju Garden is its stunning natural scenery. The park is home to countless species of flora and fauna, including thousands of cherry blossom trees that bloom in the spring, creating a sea of pink and white flowers that attract photographers and tourists from all over the world.

Additionally, the park boasts a serene lake that is perfect for boating, as well as a number of pavilions and bridges that are reminiscent of traditional Chinese architecture. The combination of natural beauty and cultural elements creates a unique and captivating atmosphere that visitors can bask in all year round.

Activities and Amenities

While Juju Garden is primarily known for its picturesque scenery, there are also plenty of activities and amenities available for visitors to enjoy. The park has a number of walking and biking trails that wind through the gardens, allowing visitors to explore the park at their own pace. There are also a variety of outdoor sports facilities, including basketball and tennis courts, as well as playgrounds for children.

For those seeking a more cultural experience, the park also hosts a variety of cultural events throughout the year, including concerts, art exhibitions, and traditional Chinese festivals. Visitors can also indulge in the local cuisine at one of the many food stalls and restaurants scattered throughout the park.


Juju Garden is truly a hidden gem in the heart of Shanghai, offering a peaceful and picturesque escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Whether you are looking to take a leisurely stroll through the gardens, enjoy a picnic with family and friends, or immerse yourself in the local culture, Juju Garden has something for everyone. It is no wonder that so many locals and visitors alike consider it to be the city’s very own “backyard paradise”.




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