
admin4个月前 (05-23)旅游攻略77


Shanghai is one of the most exciting and vibrant cities in China, with a wealth of cultural and recreational activities to offer visitors. In particular, the city is famous for its numerous high-end spas and wellness centers, which cater to the needs of locals and tourists alike. The Pujiang Sangna is one such spa that is known for its luxurious facilities and top-notch treatments.

The Pujiang Sangna Experience

The Pujiang Sangna spa is located along the scenic Pujiang River, providing a serene and calming atmosphere for its guests. The spa offers a wide range of treatments, including traditional Chinese massages, facials, and body wraps. Guests can choose from a variety of packages, with options ranging from basic spa treatments to full-day packages that include meals and transportation.


Upon arrival, guests are greeted by a friendly staff and taken to the locker room, where they can change into a cozy robe and slippers. The locker room features amenities such as a steam room, sauna, and hot tub, allowing guests to relax and unwind before their treatment begins.

Treatment Options

The Pujiang Sangna spa offers a range of treatment options, including traditional Chinese massages, aromatherapy, and reflexology. In addition to these treatments, the spa also offers body wraps, facials, and hydrotherapy services.

The Chinese massage is one of the most popular treatments at the Pujiang Sangna spa. This ancient healing practice uses finger pressure and stretching techniques to relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation. Guests can choose from different types of Chinese massages, including Tui Na, Shiatsu, and Thai massage.

The spa also offers a range of aromatherapy treatments, which use essential oils to promote healing and relaxation. Guests can choose from a variety of oils, including lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus.

Fitness Center and Amenities

In addition to its spa services, the Pujiang Sangna also boasts a state-of-the-art fitness center. The gym features cardio and weight machines, as well as a variety of classes, including yoga and Pilates. Personal trainers are also available for those who prefer one-on-one sessions.

Other amenities at the spa include a restaurant, where guests can enjoy healthy meals and snacks, and a rooftop pool with stunning views of the Pujiang River. The pool is heated year-round, making it a great place to relax and unwind even during the colder months.

The Verdict

The Pujiang Sangna spa is a luxurious and relaxing retreat where guests can escape the hustle and bustle of Shanghai. With its wide range of treatments and amenities, the spa offers something for everyone, whether you're in the mood for a relaxing massage or a invigorating workout. Overall, the Pujiang Sangna is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to pamper themselves and experience the best that Shanghai has to offer.




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